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Tag: Ukraine


Diplomatic assurances allow extradition to Ukraine (Cass. 36440/24)

Diplomatic assurances consent extradition to Ukraine: despite the ongoing war conflict, it has been assured that international human rights treaties are fully respected in the territories of Ukraine.


War in Ukraine bans extradition (Bolzano Court, 2024)
As a result of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it is reasonable to assume that the problem of prison overcrowding reported in a pilot judgment as early as 2020…


Extradition denied for war in Ukraine (CA Reggio Calabria, 14/2023)

Extradition to Ukraine for common crime is prevented by detention conditions and the impossibility - due to the war - of a fair trial.


Extradition denied to Ukraine: no fair trial rights (French Supreme Court, 2023)

In an extradition proceeding to Ukraine, there are serious and proven grounds for believing that who is surrendered to Ukraine would be exposed to a real risk of flagrant denial of justice under the provisions relating to pre-trial detention resulting from the martial law in force and the situation of armed conflict prevailing in Ukraine, such as to profoundly disorganize the judicial system and prevent the progress of the proceedings.