Tag: interpretation
Inadequate compensation for interpreters in Italian criminal trials jeopardize the right to a fair trial (Corte Cost. 16/25)Establishing lower rate form the 3rd hour on (from 7 euros / hor to 3 euros / hour) violates the principle of reasonableness (Article 3 of the Italian Constitution): underfunding and inadequate compensation for interpreters in criminal trials jeopardize the right to a fair hearing for non-Italian-speaking defendants.
Translation of pretrial detention order in extradition proceeding is mandatory (Cass. 40153/24)Under Italian law, the order of pretrial detention in extradition proceedings has to be translated in writing for non Italian speaking defendants.
Criminal judicial authority cannot verify qualification of interpreters and translators (2023)
As the current Italian legislation stands, it appears that there is a lack in the criminal division in the Committee in charge of training and review at the register of…