Avv. Nicola Canestrini

For over two decades I have been an Italian criminal defense attorney: my job is to defend rights, both in- and outside the courtrooms.
As expert trial lawyer I have litigated thousands of cases in court, with rights of audience before higher Italian courts, such as the Italian Constitutional Court and the Italian Supreme Court. Due to my competence in international, criminal law and procedure with the necessary relevant experience in criminal proceedings I am also admitted to practice as trial lawyer for defendants before the International Criminal Court based in Den Haag (NL), the court of last resort for the prosecution of serious international crimes, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
The national Italian Bar Association Consiglio Nazionale Forense appointed me in 2022 as national expert in criminal law in the CCBE Criminal Law commitee, being also a member of the Italian Commission of European and International law of the Italian Bar Association.
A short version of my CV here.
International criminal defense and fundamental rights
Main fields of my practice as italian criminal defense attorney are Italian and European criminal law and Italian criminal (fundamental rights) defense.
"I love being a criminal attorney because I love the the adrenaline rush of court hearings when I fight for fundamental rights and equality before the law for everybody.
On my LinkedIn profile I regularly post updates and news about my areas of interest, especially extradition and European Arrest Warrant. Do not hesitate to connect and follow!
Beside giving interviews and comments as expert in Italian extradition law, as criminal defense lawyer I assisted clients in many complex extradition cases, among else, Brazil (Lava Jato proceeding), Cyprus, United States, Ukraine, Turkey (here another example; here I address the Interpol abuse problem), Iran, Mauritius, Moldova, Switzerland, Canada, Montenegro, Lebanon, Russia, Peru, Ecuador, China, Cile, Principality of Monaco, Nigeria.
I am also experienced with European criminal cooperation; having successfully litigated dozens of European Arrest Warrant cases, I questioned the compatibility of the FD 584/2002 with the EU Charter of fundamental rights regarding the fundamental right to health before the Italian Constitutional Court, which raised a preliminary ruling to the European Court of Justice which introduced a new ban for EAW's execution. On slideshare I publish the slides of some of my lessons and keynotes about European Arrest Warrant for Italian criminal lawyers.
Due to my interest in International and European criminal law and fair trial rights I am member of the Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP) of Fair Trials International; as LEAP Board member I've been advisor for Fair Trials for Italy.
I teach or speak at many conferences and courses, in Italy and abroad (included Harvard Law School US-MA and University of Cambridge UK).
I am member of the Board of European Criminal Lawyer Association , the ELA Extradition Lawyers Association, the International Criminal Bar and of the European criminal law observatory of the Italian Union of Criminal lawyers Association.
I'm willing to act as expert witness for Italian extradition law, criminal law and criminal procedure.
Education and engagement
I earned my Master's Degree in law, Juris Doctor summa cum laude, at the University of Ferrara back in 1999, with an original research thesis "Positive law and systemic legitimacy in Jürgen Habermas's discourse theory of law".
I've been visiting professor at the University of Ferrara (focus: human rights and international law of armed conflict); since 1999, I am director of the Italian centre of peace studies. I give lectures on regular basis in several law courses at the Università of Trento - Faculty of Law (criminal procedure, extradition law, EU law, ..).
I've also been a member of the board of the law review of the Italian Association of democratic lawyers, Diritto di Critica, and I am consultant in immigration law for the Public immigration Informative center, Cinformi. I am engaged pro bono for Italian Democratic Lawyers Association and Lawyers for solidarity, defending or enforcing rights on behalf of poor, minority and disadvantaged.
Since 2009 I've been a member of the board of the local criminal lawyer association, which elected me as chair from 2014 to 2016.
Due to the threats received performing my professional function (here the draft of an European convention on the profession of lawyer of the Council of Europe's PACE Committee), I've founded and am coordinator of the Italian criminal lawyers associations UCPI project "avvocati minacciati | endangered lawyers", which collects and gives information about threatened lawyers worldwide.
I regularly attend trials in trial monitoring missions against threatened defense attorneys and human rights defenders as international trial observer; in December 2022 I monitored a trial against an Ukrainian conscientious objector. As member of ECBA's Human Rights Committee I drafted the amicus curiae brief for the exclusion of the torture tainted confession of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Guantanamo detainee.
In 2018, I've been rewarderd with the "CILD Award for Civil Liberty Italian Coalition for Civil Rights and Freedoms" for my promotion and protection as human rights lawyer in Italy and abroad; in 2023, I've been rewarded with the Matumaini Award (Matumaini means "hope" in Swahili) for my commitment as an international observer of fundamental rights, for protecting conscientious objectors' tights even in war zones, as defense counsel "always ready to defend the rights of the accused, often victims of power, especially of the weakest, the poorest, the least guaranteed, the last".
In 2023, I received the Matumaini (“hope” in Swahili) award from the association Io, Noi at the proposal of the Italian Nonviolent Movement for my "commitment as an International Observer of Human Rights, for having protected Conscientious Objectors even in areas of conflict, in full respect of International Law. Lawyer always ready to defend the rights of the accused, often victims of Power, especially of the weakest, the poorest, the least guaranteed, the last.A friend of nonviolence, he keeps alive the memory of Sandro Canestrini, who pioneered the right to conscientious objection in our country, and keeps the flame of hope in the Rule of Law and Justice burning.”
(see below)
In addition to extensive in-court experience as trial lawyer, I am contributing author to several law reviews, such as Cassazione Penale (Giuffrè Editore, focus: European and international criminal law), Diritto e Giustizia (Giuffrè Editore), Guida al diritto (Il Sole 24 Ore Editore), Giurisprudenza penale, being part of its scientific board as well.
- "Caught between bars and waves. The Law of the Sea, Criminal Law, and Rescue in the Sea", Fair Trials 2025 conference, Milan, 22 February 2025 (link to slideshare);
- "NoTranslation, noJustice. Language rights in criminal trials between law and practice", Fair Trials 2025 conference, Milan, 21 February 2025;
- "Europe of (Forgotten) Rights: FD 909/2008 and Fundamental Rights", REUNION Italian Ministry of Justice, Bologna, 19 February 2025;
- "Fundamental rights in European judicial criminal cooperation. EAW and related issues ", ELSA Winter school, 18 February 2025, Trento;
- "Criminal defense is a crime. Even in Belarus", Day of endangered lawyers, Trapani, 24 January 2025.
- “Reference for a preliminary ruling: practical advice for defense councels,” Essentials for criminal defense counsels before the CJEU, November 5 2024, ERA, Trier;
- “Extradition and international criminal law: focus international crimes” - Department of Legal Sciences “Cesare Beccaria” University of Milan, Oct. 25, 2024 (link to slideshare);
- “Media trial and presumption of innocence”, CP COA Ferrara, 4 october 2024;
- "International Criminal Judicial Cooperation. Role of the defense in MFA and extraditionproceedings ,” COA Bolzano, September 20, 2024;
- “EAW and fundamental rights ,” COA Trento, July 12, 2024;
- “The Europe of Rights,”, COA Turin, July 4, 2024;
- "Effectiveness toward respect for rights? Eppo: investigative powers and rights of the defense,", CNF/ SSA, Rome, July 2, 2024;
- "Extradition. Between rights and practice,", Vicenza, May 22, 2024;
- “Sentinels of Rights,” Advocacy for Dissent, OCF, June 21, 2024;
- "Extradition. Between rights and practice,", COA Treviso, May 22, 2024;
- "The Europe of Rights. ECHR and the criminal process," Trentino Suedtirol District Legal Congress, May 30, 2024;
- “European Arrest Warrant”, Training Ministry of Justice, Florence, April 30, 2024;
- "European criminal judicial cooperation and fundamental rights, ” Ministry of Justice, Florence, April 22, 2024;
- "Lawyers Not Admitted. Iran,” Endangered Lawyers Day, Genoa, March 2024
- "Lawyers Not Admitted. Iran,” Endangered Lawyers Day, Sondrio, March 2024
- "Lawyers Not Admitted. Iran,” Endangered Lawyers Day, Trento, Italy, March 2024
- "Lawyers Not Admitted. Iran,” Endangered Lawyers Day, Trieste, March 2024
- “European Arrest Warrant”, Ministry of Justice training, Trieste, March 15, 2024;
- "Fundamental rights defense. Strategic litigation in EU criminal law,” Starlight, Hertie, March 5, 2024;
- “Your Honor I do not understand”, Italian Association of Conference Interpreters AIIC, Rome, Sentato della repubblica, February 12, 2024;
- "Lawyers Not Admitted. Iran,” Endangered Lawyers Day, Milan, Jan. 24, 2024
- "Media and criminal trial" in ERA conference "The Media and the Legal Professions", Bruxelles, December 2023;
- "EAW & Fundamental rights defence", University of Trento, November 2023
- "Mandato di arresto europeo", Padova, November 2023;
- "From national courts to Luxembourg: preliminary rulings from defense's point of view", ERA, October 2023;
- "SLAPP, defense strategies", Pioneering anti-SLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression (PATFox) - German Bar Association, September 14 2023;
- "Fundamental rights defense. Strategic litigation in EU criminal Justice", Hertie School - Hungarian Helsinki Committee, June 2023 (link to slide share)
- "International Criminal Cooperation: EAW and Extradition", L'Aquila, May 2023;
- "#NoTranslationNoJustice. The illusionary right to translation in Italian criminal proceedings" Luxembourg, March 2023 (link to slide share);
- "International Criminal Cooperation: EAW and Extradition" Venice Bar association, March 2023;
- "Effective knowledge of the trial. A fundamental right," University of Trento, Faculty of Law, March, 2023;
- "Italian in absentia trials after 2022 reform", Bolzano Bar Association, February, 2023;
- "Guilty of defending rights", Day of endangered lawyers 2023 Afghanistan, Piacenza, February, 2023;
- "Boiled frogs? State torture", Cles, February 2023.
- "Right to translation in criminal cases. The illusion of Justice", Words to deed, Cambridge UK, January 2023;
- "European arrest warant defense", Verona criminal bar association, November 2022.
- "Transfer of criminal proceeding in the EU", Strafverteidigervereinigun NRW, Bonn, September 2002 (link to slideshare - German);
- "European Arrest warrant and health protection", Antigone, July, 2022 (link to slide share);
- "Defence attorneys on the front line", Monza Criminal Bar association, July 2022;
- "Europe and fundamental rights protection", Italian National Bar Association, June, 2022;
- "Criminalisation of soldidarity", Italian democratic lawyers, Naples, June 2022;
- "Guilty of defending rights", Italian national criminal chambers union UCPI, Trento, May 2022;
- "Crossborder judicial cooperation in criminal matters", Tivoli Bar association April 2022;
- “Acquitted .. but they may are still guilty. trial by media anche presumption of innicence", Sondrio, March 2022;
- "Fundamental rights defense in EAW proceedings. Health risk as new
refusal ground?", Fair trials, Webinar, March 2022; - "Extradition and European Arrest Warrant", Bozen Bar Association, February 2022
- "Defending rights, whatever it takes. Endangered lawyers in Italy and arounfd the world", Venezia Bar Association, January 2022.
- "Defense in EPPO proceedings", University of Trento, law department, 26 Novembre 2021 (link to slideshare);
- "Fundamental rights and European Criminal Cooperation: EIO and EAW", 18 Novembre 2021 (link to slideshare);
- "Future of European Criminal law", CRIMILAW – Training of Lawyers on European Union’s instruments on procedural rights in criminal proceedings, European Lawyers Foundation / CNF, webinar, October 2021;
- "European Supervision order and Italian legislation", October 2021 (link to slideshare);
- "The siege. rights and criminalziatoin of sea rescue", October 2021;
- "International criminal cooperation, EAW and extradition", July 2021;
- "Strategic lawsuits against pubic partecipation: how to defend a SLAPP case", June 2021;
- "Future of European Criminal law", CRIMILAW – Training of Lawyers on European Union’s instruments on procedural rights in criminal proceedings, European Lawyers Foundation / CNF, webinar, 11 giugno 2021;
- "European Arrest warrant", June 2021;
- "Pulcinella's secret. Client attorney's privilege in Italy, illusion or reality?", May 2021;
- "EU criminal cooperation and fundamental rights in court", May 2021;
- "Yes, sir! Rights, obedience and rule of law", April 2021;
- Future of European Criminal law", CRIMILAW – Training of Lawyers on European Union’s instruments on procedural rights in criminal proceedings, European Lawyers Foundation / CNF, webinar, 23 aprile 2021;
- "How to defend an extradition case", April 2021;
- "EU criminal cooperation and fundamental rights in court", April 2021;
- "Pulcinella's secret. Client attorney's privilege in Italy, illusion or reality?", April 2021;
- "The Illusion of Justice. Technology, rights and real life in courts", The Use of Technology in the fields of Legal Interpreting and Legal Translation, EuLita, webinar, 19 marzo 2021;
- "The dark side. Criminal proceeding and emergency legislation"", March 2021;
- "European Arrest warrant", March 2021;
- "Client attorney confidentiality. ECHR and EU procedural rights" , FAIRNESS, February 2021;
- "Finagler ", XI day of endangered lawyers, February 2021;
- ..
- "Extradition and european arrest warrant", Bolzano Bar Association, webinar, December 2020
- "La cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale europea e la tutela dei diritti fondamentali", Eu criminal cooperation and fundamental rights defense, , UNiParma - CSEIA, december 2020 (link to slides);
- "Right of the defense and European Investigation order", Future of muta recognition and Judicial Cooeopration in Criminal Maters in the Eu, 8 - 9 dicembre 2020;
- "Schamlos! Menschenwürde und Strafverfolgung der Seentoretter in Italien", Shamless! Human dignity and criminalization of sea rescuers in Italy", Strafverteidigertag 2020, November 2020 (link to slides DE);
- "Role of defense attorneys in Human Rights Defense", The Eu Charter of Fundamental rights and the role of legal professione, Lawyers4rights, cofounded by EU program JUSTICE, Roma, webinar, 23 October 2020, (link to slideshare);
- "Hostile public discourses and risks for i human rigths defenders", Gorizia 24 September 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Defending rights, whatever it takes", Bari, 22 september 2020 (link to slideshare);
- ".. to use or not to use? Advantages and risks of Trial by video-link for defense attorneys and for an effective defense", European Criminal Bar Association ECBA, Rome annual conference, September 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "The instrumentalization of the pandemic. Possible legal strategies and actions before national jurisdictions and international bodies", webinar, European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL), 12 June 2020;
- "Right to a new trial in Directive 2016/343", online conference on The presumption of innocence and the right to be present at trial in criminal proceedings, Academy of European Law (ERA), 9 June 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "European fair trial and effective partecipation rights", online conference on The presumption of innocence and the right to be present at trial in criminal proceedings, Academy of European Law (ERA), 9 June 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Cross- border criminal justice cooperation: extradition and EAW", webinar, May 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Fundamental Rights defense and EAW", webinar, May 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Free Beach. COVID19 emergency legislation and individual rights", webinar April 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Law rights, emergency", webinar, April 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Quality of translation and interpretation from the perspective of the defence", Procedural rights in the EU: status quo and need for further measure, session on Directive 2010/64 EU on the right to interpretation and translation, Lisbon February 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Directive 2012/13 EU on the right to information: access to the case file", Procedural rights in the EU: status quo and need for further measure, Lisbon February 2020 (link to slideshare);
- " Court competente in Criminal procedure", Trento, February 2020 (link to slideshare);
- "Endangered lawyers in Italy", 10th day of the Endangered lawyers, Verona, January 2020 (link to slideshare).
- "Extradition. Law and practice", Trento Law school, November 2019 (EN - link to slideshare);
- "criminal defense lawyer", Trento Law School, November 2019, (link to slideshare);
- "European Arrest Warrant ", Trento, November 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Seenotrettung vor Gericht (criminalization of sea rescue)”, 12. EU Strafrechtstag, “Geht der Rechtsstaat in Europa unter?”, Bonn, October 2019 (link to slideshare),;
- “Cross- border criminal justice cooperation part 2: Human Rights defense in Extradition proceedings”, Bologna, September 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Pre-trial detention compensation in EAW proceedings. The Italian way.”, What role for the EU as setter of Human rights standards in the field of detention?, Université Libre de Bruxelles - University of Cambridge, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 17 September 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Procedural focus on the preliminary phase of the criminal trial”, Bolzano, September 2019;
- “Cross- border criminal justice cooperation: European Arrest warrant and Extradition”, Trento, September 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “How can free movement rights impact EU citizens extradition to a third country? Petruhin. Pisciotti and beyond.”, Advanced seminar on international extradition and the practice of the European Arrest Warrant, Lecco, June 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Cross- border criminal justice cooperation part 1: Human Rights defense in EAW cases" Bologna, June 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Defense rights under attack of judicial populism?”, Bolzano, June 2019 (videolink ITA);
- “Acquitted. But maybe still guilty”. Trial by media and presumption of innocence", Fair Trials, Bruxelles, June 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Hate speech, right to information in criminal proceedings and defamation”, Trento, May 2019 (link to slideshare);
- “Human Rights defense in European Arrest Warrant cases .. beyond Aranyosi e Căldăraru”, Monza, May 2019;
- "Criminalisation of solidarity in the refugee crisis and challenges for the defense", European Criminal Bar Association ECBA, Athens, 11 maggio 2019 (link to slideshare);
- "Bail and Jail: a comparative look at pretrial detention reform in USA and Europe", Fair trials International and Criminal Justice Policy Program, Harvard Law School, Cambridge MA, 2 aprile 2019 (videolink Youtube ENG);
- "Black lists and red Notices: how to effectively fight them?", Zagreb, March 2019;
- "Criminal Courts adn Judges: procedural aspects", Trento Law School, February 2019;
- "Effective defense in international criminal prosecution: Human Rights defense in extradition and European arrest warrant cases", Bolzano, February 2019 (link to slideshare);
- "Me dicen el clandestino. Public order, security and immigration", Rovereto, January 2019 (link to slideshare).
- "Defense in terrorism charges", Verona, dicembre 2018, (link to slideshare);
- "Defense lawyers under attack", Padova, December 2018;
- "Criminalisation of solidarity: Open Arms and Iuventa", University Cattolica, Milan, December 2018 (link to slideshare);
- "Finagler! Endangered lawyers in Italy and in the world", Verona, 23 November 2018 (link to slideshare);
- "Ad eruendam veritatem. Torture by State in Italy", AIGA Bergamo, July 2018 (link to slide share).
- "Fondamental rights defense in European Arrest Warrant proceedings", University Turin, June 2018 (link to slideshare).
- "Endangered HRD and defense lawyers in Egypt", Trento, May 2018.
- "European Criminal Law and European Arresto Warrant", Modena, May 2108, (link to slideshare);
- "Defense lawyers, sentries of rights", Trento, May 2018 (link to slideshare);
- "How to use international fundamental rights decisions in national defence", University of Trento, April 2018 (link to slideshare);
- "European protection of fundamental rights", Venezia, March 2018 (link to slideshare);
- "Trial by media. Impact of the Media on Fair Trial Rights after EU Directive 343/16", Fair trials LEAP Annual Conference, Sofia, March 2018 (link to slideshare).
- "Applying the European Investigation Order: the Italian way. ", European Academy of Law ERA, Krakow, February 2018 (link to slideshare).
- "Defending Rights in Egypt", presentation of the 2017 fact finding preliminary report, Italian criminal lawyers, Florence, February 2018 (link to slideshare).
- "Extradition proceedings: Italian law and practice", Canadian Embassy, Rome, February 2018 (link to slideshare).
- "Die like an Egyptian. Preliminary report of persecution of Egyptian Human Right Defenders", Day of endangered lawyers, the Hague, January 2018 (link to slideshare).
- "Masters of our own house. Self-defense between law and public opinion", Trento, December 2017 (link to slideshare available soon);
- "Interpol abuse", Defending human rights defenders, Ludovic Trarieux Prize 2017, Venice, November 2017 (link to slideshare) (Youtube Video);
- "State torture .. ad eruendam veritatem?", Pistoia, October 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "Litigation PR. Criminal trial and fair trial", Trento, October 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "Intersections of the application of the European Arrest Warrant and the protection of fundamental rights", Bruxelles, October 2017;
- "Interpol abuse", Naples, Octobre 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "European Convention of Human rights and its Court", Livorno, June 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "European Criminal law: the european Arrest Warrant", Vicenza, May 2017 (link to slideshare).
- "Criminale cross border investigations and extradition proceedings", Università di Trento, Aprile 2017 (link to slideshare)
- "Fundamental rights in Italian extradition proceedings: Turkey.", Università Cattolica, Milan, April 2017 (link to slideshare)
- "Pretrial detention compensation. The Italian experience", Fair trials LEAP Annual Conference, March 2017, Athens (link to slideshare)
- "Access to a lawyer directive 2013/48/EU: Italy", Fair trials LEAP judicial remedies working group, Lisbon, January 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "Defence lawyers' tough job", January 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "In absentia trials in Italy and European convention of Human rights", January 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "Drug related crimes", Venezia, January 2017 (link to slideshare);
- "European Convention and Court of Human rights", Verona, October 2016 (link to slideshare);
- "Acquitted. But maybe guilty. About free press and fair trial", Verona, September 2016 (link to slideshare);
- "Me dicen el clandestino., Human dignity and migration", Piacenza, September 2016;
- "European arrest warrant and European criminal law", Parma, June 2016 (link to slideshare);
- "Right of defense in terrorism trials", Turin, June 2016 (link to slideshare);
- "Avvocati minacciati | endangered lawyers", Rimini, June 2016 (link a slideshare);
- "Me dicen el clandestino", Trento, may 2016 (link to slideshare);
- "European Convention and Court of Human rights", Milan, May, 2016 (link to slideshare).
- "Hate speech", University of Trento, May 2016 (link to slideshare).
- "Extraordinary appeals under italian criminal procedure" (link to slideshare), University of Trento, April 2016.
- "Res iudicata and ne bis in idem. national nd supernational legal framework" (link to slideshare), University of Verona, April 2016.
- "Immigration law as (new) Enemy Criminal Law?" (link to slideshare), University of Trento, February 2016.
- "Jlink to slideshare), Bolzano, February 2016. (
- "Pretrial issues in italian criminal procedure" (link to slideshare), Bolzano, February 2016.
- "Fight on terrorism as seen by the defense" (link to Slideshare), Merano, november 2015.
- "ECJ's Taricco Judgement and its impact on italian constitutional order" (link to Slideshare), European Criminal Bar Association ECBA, Luxembourg, October 2015.
- "European Convention and Court of Human Rights" (link to Slideshare), October 2015, Genova, 2015.
- "Legal Aid in Europe as seen by lawyers. European Citizens without defense?" (link to Slideshare), Avocats Europèens Dèmocrates, 8 May 2015.
- "Italian criminal extradition proceeding", Scuola di formazione per la difesa dai ufficio, 28 aprile 2015.
- "Extraordinary criminal appeals under italian procedure", Università di Trento, 17 aprile 2015.
- "Are we Charlie? Democracy and criminal limits to freedom of expression", ELSA, Università di Trento, 26 marzo 2015
- "Investigations of the defense: liability of criminal attorneys", Suola forense d specializzazione, Trento, 16 ottobre 2014.
- "Use of modern day technology in criminal proceedings: chances and risks" (link to Slideshare), ECBA, Copenhagen, 2-4 ottobre 2014
- "Impact of decison 32/14 of Constitutional Court on the drug legislation", Camera penale Veronese, Verona. giugno 2014;
- "The Vajont dumb disaster and its trial", Trieste, 23 maggio 2014;
- "Impact of decision 32/14 of Constitutional Court on the drug legislation", Camera penale vicentina, Vicenza, 28 aprile 2014;
- "Foreigner and criminal law", Corso di Formazione per il volontariato in ambito penale, Trento, 17 aprile 2014;
- "Tax evasion offences: defense strategies", Rovereto, April 2nd, 2014
- "Firearms and lawful defense", Convengo inaugurale del Poligono di Rovereto, 4 settembre 2013
- "Drug crimes", Corso di formazione tecnica e deontologica dell'avvocato penalista, Unione delle Camere Penali del Veneto, Vicenza, 9 luglio 2013
- "Defending military service refusals", Avrei (ancora) un'obiezione! Convegno a 40 anni dal riconoscimento legale dell'obiezione di coscienza al servizio militare 1972 - 2012; Dal carcere al servizio civile. Percorsi per una difesa civile, non armata, nonviolenta (Conferneza Nazionale degli Enti di Servizio Civile e dal Movimento Nonviolento), Firenze, 15 dicembre 2012.
- "Human rights effectivness post Genua g8 2001", Diritti dissenso repressione (Associazione Nazionale Giuristi Democratici, patrocinio del Comune di Napoli, del Consiglio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Napoli e della Camera Penale di Napoli) Napoli, 10 novembre 2012.
- "Crime victims and constitutional oriented thoughts on sanctions", Memoria e Diritto, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento, 6 novembre 2012.
- "Defense lawyer investigations", Camera penale di Bolzano, II Corso di primo livellodi deontologia e tecnica del penalista, Bolzano, 4 novembre 2011.
- "Drug legislation" Corso di Formazione in Diritto e Procedura Penale ? Tecniche e strategie difensive, profili deontologici, Scuola Territoriale della Camera Penale di Trento Michele Pompermaier - Ordine degli Avvocati di Trento, 21 ottobre 2011.
- "Criminal procedure aspects of defending foreigners", in Seminari di diritto dell'immigrazione, 23 ottobre 2010.
- "Right to a family and immigration law", Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento, maggio 2010.
- "Defense investigations", I Corso di primo livello di difesa tecnica per l'avvocato penalista, Camera Penale di Bolzano, settembre 2008.
- "Racial discrimination and labour law ", Osservatorio Migra su Lavoro e Discriminazione razziale, 8 giugno 2006.
- "The right to resist and the Italian Constitution". Intervento al dibattito "Riformare la Costituzione?" A.N.P.I., San Donà di Piave, 3 febbraio 2005.
- "Genova g8 meeting: still waiting or answers". Intervento al dibattito "Da Genova a Cosenza, senza dimenticare Napoli: il punto sui processi in corso", Festa di Liberazione, Bologna, 5 settembre 2004.
- "War crimes and italian law: a critical analysis" [Kriegsverbrechen in der italienischen Rechtsordnung: eine kritische Bilanz]. Relatore al Convegno ?War crimes, Critical survey of the prevention of war crimes in the law of European States?, organizzato dalla European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights, 17 maggio 2003, Ginevra (cfr. www.ejdm.de).
- "Right to use mother tongue with the police and before the bar?"[Wie kann man sein Recht auf Muttersprache bei Polizei und Gericht durchsetzen?]. Relatore al XI congresso dell'Unione fuer Suedtirol, Terlano, 10 maggio 2003.
- "Ius ad bellum, ius ad pacem?" Relatore all'omonima conferenza presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Ferrara, 8 aprile 2003.
- "Criminalizing opinions?". Relatore alla conferenza Rosso G8 di ATTAC Italia, Siena, 5 dicembre 2002.
- "Genova 2001: human rights and chemical weapons". Relatore alla conferenza Lacrimogeni al Gas CS, Vicenza, 15 novembre 2002.
- "Human rights violations during the g8 Gnova meeting 2001?. Relatore al Convegno "Geometrie della memoria", Berna (CH), 4 ottobre 2002.
- "Use of tear-gas CS during Genova 2001". Relatore al Convegno "Verità e Giustizia sui fatti di Genova. Lo stato delle inchieste ad un anno dal G8", Genova, 20 luglio 2002.
- "Genua g8 . 1 year after". Relatore in qualità di avvocato del Genoa Legal Forum, Trento Facoltà di Sociologia, 25 giugno 2002.
- "Strategie di repressione del movimento globale". Relatore in qualità di avvocato del Genoa Legal Forum, Trieste, 18 giugno 2002.
- "No Global .. freedom of speech under trial ". Intervento alla conferenza Quale futuro Giovani tocca voi deciderlo, Tuenno (TN), 6 giugno 2002.
- "Chemical weapons and freedom of speech." Relatore alla conferenza Diritti Fondamentali e Globalizzazione, Commissione Internazionale d'inchiesta per la salvaguardia dei diritti fondamentali nella globalizzazione, Genova, 6 aprile 2002 (www.globaldr.org).
- "Giornate del G8 a Genova: violazione dei diritti politici del cittadino?", Cles, 1 marzo 2002.
- "Ius ad bellum, UN Statute and humanitarian war", Verona Social Forum, Verona, 7 dicembre 2001.
- "Right to free speech as milestone of democracy", Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Ferrara, 24 ottobre 2001.
- "Libera manifestazione del pensiero e i fatti di Genova", Progetto formazione, Ikelemba Città dei Diritti, Casa per la Pace, Trento, 6 ottobre 2001.
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